I haven’t written and posted anything here for a couple of months. I think the main reason is, I have so much going on (at least in my mind and on my to-do list) that I don’t know where to start. Leading an IT team at GMBC, acquiring new clients for Ansaworks, trying to win projects with Yapa, and looking for an ideal business idea as a passive source of income are my main activities lately. Not to mention, keeping myself updated to the newest trends particularly in technologies and networking with people take also extra effort. A lot of it. Perhaps I’m currently juggling too many balls at the same time that it’s so hard to keep them in the air. Hard. But not impossible.
Which makes me realize, I actually have a lot of topics to cover and things to say, because, even though my biggest passion is data analytics, I have interests in many other things due to the fact that I love trying stuff. I want to make the blog section of this website more of a journey as opposed to boring how-tos.
So, here are the stuff I’ve been up to: (already mentioned them above, but in a bit more detail)
I’m still leading the IT Team at GMBC. One more year, then it would be the longest I would be staying in one company. Unless one of the big 4 tech companies calls (you know who they are!) or something extra-ordinary happens, I think I’m going to stay for a few more years because I still want to modernize our data warehousing system. I implemented the system that we are using currently at the start of my employment there and now is the time to modernize it. Databricks, Azure Synapse, and Snowflake are naturally coming into mind. Dataverse could be an option as well, though. But I need a few more readings and trials on this.
Just recently I have also acquired a new client for Ansaworks. Their office is just a few block away from where I live, although in the remote environment nowadays, it does not really matter. Still, it is very convenient to know that I can go there and meet the clients in person anytime I want by only a few minutes walking. My responsibility there is mainly to modernize their workplace. It is a nice additional source of income, especially with the inflation and the high-cost energy.
Speaking of additional source of income, I joined (to be exact, was asked to join) Yapa as a technical partner. Yapa consists of several IT professionals from different technical and cultural background, and is meant to be an outsourcing provider for IT projects with fair conditions for all parties involved. I still don’t know where we are exactly going in the future, but I’m planning to develop a product, as opposed to merely another IT outsourcing company. I have already something in my mind and will let you know about it in later posts.
Ultimately, I’m also planning to launch my own business. My first thought is creating a marketplace or a platform where people can sell their coffee beans online. The origin of the coffee beans must be from Indonesia, for European market. Why Indonesian coffee? Well, it’s simple. I’m from Indonesia and we have the best coffee beans in the world. Let’s see if I can become a millionaire out of it, but if this business could run mostly by itself and support me and my family living a comfortable life, I’d be happy.
In addition to those, as a part of Ansaworks I want to continue making YouTube videos. I started this in 2020 with 3 videos but then stopped. My YouTube channel will be my personal brand and at the same time is my training ground to get comfortable in front of a camera. Only with this way, I can see myself how I look and sound when I’m talking.
So, you see, there are plenty of topics I can create contents from. There are no excuses. Hard, but not impossible.
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash
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