
Name, Location
Andre Sasongko, Hamburg (Germany)

Current Activities

  • Technical Partner at Yapa IT (part-time, since 2022)
  • Head of IT at GMBC Services (full-time, since 2018)
  • Freelancer:
    • IT Consultant, Content Creator (part-time, since 2017)
    • BI Architect/Developer, Project Manager (full-time, 2015-2017)

See my Linkedin profile or get in touch with me for details.

Clients as full-time Freelancer (2015-2017)

collect AIProject Manager, BI Architect/Developer
Data Warehouse Modeling (PostgreSQL), Reporting (Tableau).
Avanade/Accenture DeutschlandBI Developer
Data Warehouse Administration (SQL Server), Reporting (Power BI, Tableau) for DHL/Deutsche Post.
MediqonBI Developer
Database Modeling, Query Optimization (MySQL), Migration (from Alteryx).
DataLabBI Developer
Query Optimization (SQL Server), Reporting (Power BI, in-house Analytics tool) for end clients REWE and TUI.
MediacomBI Architect/Developer
Data Warehouse Modeling, SQL Queries (SQL Server), Reporting (Tableau) for end clients Audi, Volkswagen and P&G.
KreditechBI Architect/Developer
Data Warehouse Modeling (Exasol), Reporting (Tableau).